Ближайшие выкупы:

Optimum Nutrition, Essential Amin.O. Energy, арбуз, 585 г (1,29 фунта)

Артикул: OPN-05130 (0217486925)
ID: 480082963
4 645,47 руб.
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UPC Код: 748927051308


  • Naturally and Artificially Flavored
  • 65 Servings
  • Dietary Supplement
  • CarnoSyn® - Carnosine Synthesizer

Use Anytime To Support: 

  • Essential Amino Acid Delivery
  • Muscle Recovery*
  • Energy and Focus


  • Micronized Free from Amino Acids for Faster Absorption
  • Supports Recovery Before, During & After Exercise
  • Caffeine from Natural Sources

*When consumed as directed at maximum dosage.

Рекомендации по применению

Mix two scoops of Essential Amin.O. Energy in 10-12 fl oz of cold water.

Two Scoops = One Serving

Dial-Up Your Energy & Aminos

Scoop #2 Scoops4 Scoops6 Scoops
Energy LevelMildModerateIntense
Amino Level5 grams10 grams15 grams
Caffeine100 mg200 mg300 mg
AM Wake Up
Pre-Workout Energy
Post-Workout Recovery
Afternoon Pick-Me-Up

Do not exceed 6 scoops in any 4 hour period. Do not exceed 10 scoops within any 24 hour period.

For Pre-Workout Energy Support: Take 2-6 scoops 20-30 minutes before training.

For Post-Workout Amino Support: At least 4 hours after initial pre-workout dose, take 2-4 scoops after training.


Natural and artificial flavor, malic acid, citric acid, silicon dioxide, calcium silicate, sucralose, gum blend (cellulose gum, xanthan gum, carrageenan), tartaric acid, lecithin, beet color, inulin.

Contains: Soy.

Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine.

No Aspartame


Consult your physician before using this product if you are taking any medication or are under a physician's care for a medical condition. Not for use by those under the age of 18, women that are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or nursing, or those that are sensitive to caffeine and beta-alanine. Do not consume caffeine from other sources while taking this product as too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, and occasionally rapid heartbeat. Beta-Alanine may cause a harmless, temporary tingling or flushing sensation.

2 scoops of this product contain 100 mg caffeine. Do not exceed more than 6 scoops within any 4 hour period. A person should start with 2 scoops (100 mg caffeine) to assess tolerance and then gradually increase serving size. Do not exceed 10 scoops per day within any 24 hour period. Do not combine with alcohol. Consume as part of a healthy diet and drink at least 100 fl oz of water per day. Exercise may increase your need for additional fluid intake. Keep out of reach of children.

To maximize freshness and minimize product clumping, store tightly-closed container in a cool, dry place.

Contents sold by weight not volume, some settling may occur.

Сведения о добавке
Размер порции: две мерные ложки (9 г)
Количество порций в упаковке: 65
Состав порции % от суточной нормы
Калорий 10
Всего углеводов 2 г 1 %*
Смесь аминокислот
Микронизированный таурин, микронизированный L-глутамин, микронизированный L-аргинин, микронизированный L-лейцин, бета-аланин (в форме карнозина), микронизированный цитруллин, микронизированный L-изолейцин, микронизированный L-валин, микронизированный L-тирозин, микронизированный L-гистидин, микронизированный гидрохлорид L-лизина, микронизированный L-фенилаланин, микронизированный L-треонин, микронизированный L-метионин
5 г
Энергетическая смесь
Кофеин (из зеленого чая), экстракт из листьев зеленого чая (Camellia sinensis) (стандартизированный для ЭГКГ), экстракт из зерен зеленого кофе
160 мг
* Проценты от суточной нормы основаны на рационе в 2000 калорий.
† Суточная норма не установлена.
‡Общее количество кофеина из всех источников составляет 100 мг на порцию (2 мерные ложки).
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Выкуп № 633
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