The Tao of Tea, 100% Органический Чай Пуэр Топаз, 3.5 унции (100 г)

Артикул: TOT-61005 (219032964)
ID: 399502952
Альбом: Чай
680,71 руб.
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UPC Код: 689951610058


  • Artisan Quality
  • Pure Leaf Teas
  • Fresh
  • USDA Organic
  • Brews 75 Cups
  • Certified Organic by QAI


Yunnan, China Yunnan province, found at the southwesternmost corner of China, is considered the place of origin for the tea plant. It is home to the famous Puer teas and is renowned for its biodiversity, ethnic diversity and breathtaking mountains.

Puer Tea

Puer tea is named for the town of Puer where teas from the surrounding mountains were brought, pressed into bricks and cakes and sent across the continent.

Wu Doi

To reach its destination, the tea traveled through a range of climates and weather, often by horse and camelback. For this reason, Puer became known for having an aged, earthy quality. Nowadays, this earthy character can be encouraged through a process known as Wu Doi. Tea leaves are moistened, (wu) and stacked (dui) in piles, undergoing post-fermentation.

Flavor Profile

A very dark, earthy, sweet, smooth infusion that does not gain bitterness in steeping. Its clear aroma and red-gold color brings to mind a topaz gemstone.

Рекомендации по применению

Заваривание: заваривать одну чайную ложку в 200 мл воды, близкой к температуре кипения, в течение трех минут. Можно повторять заваривание многократно.


100% органических листьев чая.

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